May 8, 2019

10 Email Marketing Software That Should Be a Part of Your Arsenal – Digital Polo Inc

Not too long ago, email marketing had been written off as an unproductive exercise – one that did not yield the fruit it was supposed to. But that’s all in the past! Now email marketing is one of the most […]
May 7, 2019

15 Ways Business Catalogues Can Skyrocket Your Sales – Digital Polo Inc

Many of you who own a coffee shop or an automobile shop might be raising your eyebrows right after reading the headline! “How can a business catalog help me to increase sales?” Worry not. I’ll explain how every business can […]
May 4, 2019

13 Awesome Growth Hacks for Your QSR Outlets – Digital Polo Inc

Once in a while, we all grab a healthy Sub from Subway. Or we may spend time with our friends at Starbucks. Have you noticed the rapid increase in Quick Service Restaurants around you? Image courtesy: It’s estimated that […]
April 20, 2019

8 Free and Effective Tools to Spy on Your SaaS Competitors – Digital Polo Inc

I was going through a blog of my own a few days back. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. Do my competitors check out my blogs? Can I do the same? After all, they say, “Keep your friends close, but […]
April 12, 2019

8 Visual Merchandising Insights to Amp Up Your Retail Store – Digital Polo Inc

Even with the solid growth of the e-commerce industry, physical retail stores are still holding strong. However, as per assumptions, e-commerce websites will continue to leap forward. So, retail stores need to make some changes in their strategies. The owners […]
April 5, 2019

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Trends That Will Thrive in 2019

Many companies have been leveraging Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. By integrating AR, many companies have changed the shopping experience of their customers. On the other hand, VR has allowed many companies to offer killer apps which are much better […]
March 29, 2019

AI in Design & Web Development: Few Stats You Can’t Ignore – Digital Polo Inc

Did you think Artificial Intelligence is just some overhyped viral fever that will subside with time? Well, think again. Here are a few unadulterated statistics that you just can’t ignore. The Artificial Intelligence market has grown at a favorable rate […]
March 27, 2019

6 Reasons You Should Hire a Graphic Designer Instead of DIYing – Digital Polo Inc

 6 Reasons You Should Hire a Graphic Designer Instead of DIYing With the advent of technological advancement, information is just a click away. Do you want to create a birdhouse? Google it. Would you like to create a graphic design […]
March 20, 2019

5 Great Reasons Creating a Tight Sales Loop Gets Your Business More Customers – Digital Polo Inc

Customers and marketing – certainly the latter aims in bringing the former. But, what if the information about the former ‘forms’ the latter? In case of a factor known as closed loop marketing, the above-mentioned statement turns out to be […]