March 21, 2020

Evolution of Graphic Designing from 2010 to 2020

Years after years, months after months and days after days are passing by at a lightning fast speed with industrial and technological developments at their peak. What seemed to be impossible yesterday, today has not only become possible, but is […]
March 13, 2020

Best Application Program Interface for Web Designers in 2020

Previously, when the technology was not that advanced and there were limited tools to develop a website that only had limited features, clients’ then vague demands seemed to be impossible for the designers to fulfil it. But, today when technology […]
March 5, 2020

Trending Web Designs in 2020 to Design a Dazzling Website – Digital Polo Inc

Designs are like magnets that attracts people towards it. Be it on anything, people get so fascinated by it that they end up buying that product only because of their love for that particular design. For instance, when a person […]
February 26, 2020

Colors That Would Be Ruling the World of Logos in 2020 – Digital Polo Inc

A movie, which is ready for its release is not directly rolled out in cinemas for the public to watch. Firstly, it is introduced to the public through various posters and trailers to give them a brief about the content […]
February 14, 2020

Invention of 5G Means Enhancement in Website Designing – Digital Polo Inc

It seldom happens that we usher in the New Year with the most exciting news, like soon to be available 5G networks to all that would completely change the scenario of the internet world. Yes, you read that right. The […]
February 13, 2020

An Effective Guide for Creating a Rewarding Brand Concept – Digital Polo Inc

Just like the name of a human being is its identity by which he is globally known, the Brand name (or, Logo that is used interchangeably) stand as the identity of a business or an organization, by which it is […]
February 13, 2020

List of Indispensable Elements That Makes Up an Impressive eCommerce Website Design

Today, technology is the basis of existence for every industry. Whether it is finance, automobile, education or marketing, technology has spread its wings and covered all the major sectors under it. With everything going online and digital, including education, the […]
February 11, 2020

Make Your Blog Posts Look More Interesting with Relevant Images – Digital Polo Inc

Everything in this world has two sides attached to it, which compliments each other’s existence. Just like exams certify a student’s knowledge on a subject or various spices add tastes to raw food, images makes a blog post complete and […]
January 14, 2020

Are You Handling Your Clients Correctly? – Digital Polo Inc.

If you are a web designer or a graphic designer, you would know exactly how it feels to be dealing with the clients. While some clients are happy with what you provide, some clients always come up with a couple […]